
It's Here!

Book Two in The Huntington Saga Series Novels~

Pirate Bride!

Miss Susannah Blakemore is kidnapped and sold into white slavery as payback to the Huntingtons. Will her pirate hero save her?

“The Huntingtons will pay. Oh, they will pay.” Plots and unholy alliances are put into action carrying out long-awaited retribution.

Only … one was not thought of. One was not even considered. How would anyone have guessed that a descendant of a pirate would take up his old family tradition in a mad quest to regain his bitterly lost love? The Marquess of Latham will not abide by this act of violence arranged for his precious love, but will surely save her -- will he not? And will he make her the next pirate bride?

Next? There must be a first to have a 'next'. But there was another ... centuries ago ... that still walks the halls of Stonecrest Castle.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011 - BiWeekly Blog - Chapter 8

Excerpt from The Governess - Chapter 8:
Chapter 8

            “I must be prepared for this evening,” Carly said to herself.  She was determined to be the more appropriately dressed governess than she had felt the night before.  But what a battle she had in store with Millesant! 
            “But why ever for, milady, must you be so modest?” 
            “What a silly question!  And besides, I am only thinking of my position here, Millesant.  I must keep it!  I rely upon it.  I know you must understand.” 
            “No, I do not.  You have no need to fear Lord Huntington’s disapproval.  We are all glad you are here.  I feel it.” 
            “I wish to keep it that way!  Now, be a good girl and let me do what is best.” 
            “I think it best to put a good foot forward, milady.” 
            “That is precisely what I am trying to do!” 
            “Most women take advantage of God’s gifts to them, milady, instead of covering them all up, if I do say so myself!” 
            “Oh, Millesant!  Honestly!” 
            “Yessiree, milady!  That’s exactly what I think.” 
            “You will find, Millesant, that I am not ‘most women.’” 
            “I can see that, ma’am, if you’ll please excuse me.” 
Carly found that her maid could be quite headstrong!  Her opinions in all her toiletry were decidedly firm!  In the end, Carly wore her hair a little more modestly, no ringlets, yet still with curls about her face and head. 
“It comes to you so naturally,” explained Millesant, “that it would be a crime to not use it all to your advantage.” 
“To my advantage?  Oh, come, come, Millesant.  Haven’t I just explained to you how I feel about such tactics?” 
Millesant defiantly stuck out her chin, determined to make the most of this young lady as she could. 
A turquoise evening gown, another one of Carly’s finest from her coming out, had been picked and carefully prepared by the maid.  Again, this gown would need an extra snug corset in order for Carly to fit, for she had matured considerably in the years since it had been made for her. 
“Good grief Millesant!  Do you wish me,” gasp, “to be able,” yet another gasp, “to eat my meal?”  Carly blew out a slow breath.  “I think the corset tight enough!” 
Smiling smugly, Millesant said, “Of course, milady,” giving it one last strong pull.  Knowing Carly felt self-conscious about the fit of the older gowns, Millesant said encouragingly, “Milady, even a potato sack would look marvelous on you, corset or not.” 
“What a dear girl!”  As Carly patted Millesant’s cheek, she determined aloud, “Nonetheless, I should like to acquire fabric, needle, and thread when I am able and do something about making new gowns.”
“Yes, milady.” 
Only now had she felt the need to replace them altogether, owing this to a man who examined her so thoroughly.  Off to dinner she went, doing her best not to anticipate anything that would disturb her hard found serenity.  Thoughts, such as library shelving pressing upon her back, tried forcing their way into her mind.  Shooing them quickly from her active mind, she thought, Oh! to be dining with this man now!  It seemed impossible for her to endure.  But endure she would. 
Did she really have any other choice? 

Thanks for reading with me today!  Hope you enjoy reading about Carly and Creighton!  Comment and let me know what you think.

Have a great day!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011 Blog -- The Governess

Excerpt from The Governess -- finishing Chapter 6 and all of Chapter 7:

Following a different path back towards the direction of the manor house, Carly realized that she had wandered far in her explorations.  As she came around tall flowering hedges, the entire house came into view.   Impressive!  Breathtaking!  From here, she could see the house’s Elizabethan design and beautiful architecture, except for what was hiding behind grand, old trees that looked centuries old. 
“My dear sister, how I wish you were here to enjoy this view with me.  How nice it would be to talk to someone else besides myself.” 
Discovering the history of this place might be exciting, she thought, for she could see more than one choice of architecture in its additions.  Maybe the children would enjoy the exploration of it as well.  She hoped so.  Amongst the many levels of windows, her eyes rested upon those of the attic that she was sure could not be in use with so few family members present to support. 
Certainly the staff was plentiful, but with so many floors and wings to fill, well, one can only imagine how many inhabitants would have to be in attendance to occupy all this space.  It seemed a dreadful waste to her, however magnificent.  And to think that both her parent’s had grown up in family homes such as this?  It was astonishing to contemplate! 
Taking her time to return to the house, Carly continued to enjoy the beautiful day.  What she did not notice was that she was being observed. Lord Huntington was watching her from the massive windows of his study. 

Chapter 7

Creighton watched the graceful manner of his new governess as she walked the grounds.  He also had not slept well the night before, for her angelic beauty had haunted his dreams—vividly! 
Cursed women!  They are all the same! 
Instinctively, he knew this was not true. He fought the twinge of guilt that followed his thoughts.  Shrugging it off, he continued his assessment of her.  Today she wore a beautiful green muslin gown that looked like she was ready for a picnic.  He could almost imagine a basket swinging on her arm filled with May’s delicious apple pie, fresh cheese and bread, and cold chicken.  His stomach growled.  Good grief, he thought.  The straw hat she wore complimented the look; although, today… 
…Today, she wore her hair down. 
Only a ribbon held it back under her hat.  Voluminous curls reached down to her waist. 
That hair was going to be the undoing of him! 
Fidgeting at the window, as if he would reach out and twist a strand around his finger, he could not keep his eyes from following her every move. 
As she came closer, he noticed that the gown was a little on the short side and a bit snug, same as the magnificent gown of last evening.  Making a mental note to do something about this, he continued to watch as she leaned over the lilac bushes to smell the purple and white blossoms and plucked from them an abundant sampling to keep and inhale freely the fragrance at her leisure.  Next, she picked daffodils to add to her bouquet after first sampling their aroma. 
Numbed heartstrings strained against his chest. 
He wondered at her simple pleasure in enjoying nature.  The young beauty stopped and rested for a moment on a bench under a tree, and he watched as she looked out over his extensive grounds with a look of delight and abundant joy on her face, raising her small bouquet of flowers to her nose now and then. 
How did she find such simple happiness?  He knew of her circumstances.  The deaths of her father and mother had compelled her into a life of servitude, forced her to come under his care and attentive eye, yet here she sat calmly smiling in a strange place and in unfamiliar circumstances, as if life held no misfortune for her.  She was a curiosity to him; prim and proper, elegant and graceful, scared yet spunky, sad yet happy. 
Last night at supper, she had stood up to him with amazing self-control and eloquence, putting him quite well in his place.  It had been invigorating!  And then in the library.  Blast!  He could not allow himself to start thinking on that subject again! 
She was standing and walking closer this time, only yards away actually, taking pleasure in more flowers, adding here and there to her spray of spring colors.  The soft smile on her face, he could tell, was not an intentional smile, but one of contentment and happiness that came from within.  She surprised him. 
Why did this peace intrigue him so?  Wanting to know her, to hear her voice, to feel from her…something… aggravated him immensely!  Brusquely stepping away from the window, he determined that he must go for a ride and get his mind cleared.  Cleared of her! 
Carly saw movement from the corner of her eye.  Quickly looking up, she saw draperies swishing back into place at one of the windows.  She had yet to learn the exact layout of the house’s numerous rooms so was uncertain which room the windows were in.  Had someone been watching her?  Who could it have been and why?  Shivers reverberated up and down her spine to think that someone could have been spying on her this whole time and she had not known it.  When she had seen the draperies move, all the fear and trepidation of last evening came rushing back.  She suddenly felt tense and on edge, the memories of how Lord Huntington had stared…had touched… 
Carly recalled his large fingers, how they had caressed her cheek.  She found herself stumbling over her own feet in her efforts to forget last evening.  Mulling over Millesant’s tales of death and disappearances had not added to her relief in any measure.  Concentrating on the beauties available to her in the manor house and the gardens, Carly had managed to push aside disturbing images and thoughts of the day before.  But now, she shook her head in exasperation.  Praying in her heart again, she reminded herself, Have faith, Carly.  All will work out. 

Having never been under someone’s employ or dependent on total strangers before, Carly now faced her greatest test of faith.  Would she find the resources within herself to remain faithful to the guidance she had received so far?  Breathing deeply, and forcing herself to relax, she remembered loving parents who had taught her spiritual strength and tried their best to prepare their daughters for this day without their guidance.  She only hoped she would be up to the challenges ahead.  The trial of our faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth  These new experiences certainly were a trial, but she was resolute to remain faithful, as this scripture suggested.  God would not desert her…she had faith! 
A new resilient calm encompassed her.  Carly smiled, grateful for the peace she felt.  She entered the house in search of a vase for her selection of bright, cheerful flowers.  Thinking pleasant thoughts, she said, “Heaven is not so very far, after all, is it?” 
Smiling contentedly to herself, she made a mental note to remember to take a flower basket with her next time, and perhaps take the children into these extensive gardens to pick flowers, understand their names, and make beautiful bouquets together.  Finding her way back to the wonderfully aromatic kitchen, she asked Penny in passing, “Mightn’t there be a vase to fill with this lovely spray of spring’s abundance?” 
Penny exuberantly showed Carly the wide-ranging, beautiful collection of vases and pots.  “You are very welcome to use them at any time, especially if you would grace the kitchens with the refreshing clusters as well.” 
Ah ha, she thought to herself with glee!  More welcomed places for flora!  Optimistic again about her future, she joyfully found her way to her chambers where she put the fragrant, sumptuous flowers to be enjoyed for several days to come. 

Hope you enjoyed reading with me today!  I'll be back on Monday with more from Carly and Creighton...

Have a great day!
Ellise :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011 - BiWeekly Blog - Chapter 6

Excerpt from The Governess -- Chapter 6 continued:

As she made her way through the different gardens, she smelled something very distinct and found that she was nearing the stables.  “Good heavens!  That never fails to wake me!”  She decided to pay them a visit herself and ask if there would be a spare horse for her to enjoy morning rides upon. 
An old man was hunched over shodding a horse.  Hearing her approach, he stood, wiping his hands upon his soiled apron and watched her, waiting for her to draw nearer.  Flashing her a somewhat toothless grin, and with sparkling black eyes that were barely visible through the tanned creases on his weathered face, she instantly liked him and his cheery disposition. 
“Good day to ye milady,” he nodded his head and wiped his perspiring brow with his worn sleeve.  “Tis a lovely day, is it not?” 
“Yes it is, to be sure!” 
“You must be the new governess, aye?” 
“One and the same,” she grinned. 
“Have a love for the outdoors, do ye?” 
“Very much, sir.” 
“Just call me Joe,” he seemed genuinely delighted to meet her. 
Carly was happy about his abundant show of friendship.  Smiling, she said, “How do you do, Joe?” 
“Well enuff.” 
Laughing to herself at the way his bushy gray brows seemed to dance with a life of their own when he talked. She recognized that this kind soul was the salt of the earth. 
“Is there sumpin’ I kin ‘elp ye with, milady?  T’would be me pleasure.” 
“I was wondering Joe, might you have a horse I may ride often?  Do you think it would be allowed?  I thought to ask Lord Huntington myself, but I did not realize I would find the stables today.” 
Delighted at her request, he exuberantly stated, “Of course!  Lots of ‘orses ‘ere!  T’would be grand, milady!” 
“Splendid!”  Carly’s face lit up with satisfaction.  “It may take me a few mornings before I would be ready to do so,” she explained. 
“I bet Clover is your ‘orse of choice, milady.  She’s gentle, yet enjoys a good rider?”  Waving his arm at her to follow him into the stable, he excitedly continued, “‘enry!  Let’s show our good lady ‘ere, our beautiful Clover, straight away!”  Immediately, a stable boy ran to show Clover off to the eager governess.  “What do ye think?  Is she right for ye, milady?”  A lively chestnut mare came forward at the insistence of the stable boy.  Joe handed Carly old, gnarled chunks of sweet carrot to win Clover’s friendship. 
“Oh!  She’s lovely, isn’t she?!” 
Joe was pleased at her compliment.  “She been waiting just for ye, milady.  I bet ye ‘ave a bit ‘o spirit in ye to match Clover’s?” 
Carly fed the curious mare which enabled her to rub her soft nose and head.  “I am sure we’ll get along splendidly, do you not think so Clover girl?”  Clover nudged Carly’s hand anxious for more treats, responding to her question by whinnying quietly. 
“You are a beauty,” Carly calmly said to the mare as she was allowed to continue her caresses.  “Would you like adventuring with me, Clover girl?”  Again, the horse whinnied in response. 
“I think we ‘ave a winner, what do ye think, ‘enry?”  The shy boy only nodded his head, but excitement filled his eyes.  “I shall ‘ave ‘er ready and waiting for ye, milady, as soon as tomorrow, if’n that be satisfactory?” 
“Oh!  Yes, indeed, Joe!  I look forward to spending time with her.  Such a lovely creature!”  Reluctantly turning away from Clover, Carly continued, “Thank you for your help.  Riding means so much to me.  I truly am in your debt.” 
“Think nuffin’ of it, milady.  ‘Tis me job an’ me pleasure!” 
Thanking him again, Carly departed the stables with a grateful smile covering her excited face.  She would look forward to getting to know both Clover and Joe.  So far, things were working out quite well, Carly thought with satisfaction. 

Thanks for reading!  Join me on Friday for a new post.  I always look forward to reading about Lord Huntington...

Ellise  :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday, May 20th Blog -- The Governess

Excerpt from The Governess -- Chapter 6 continued:

Tantalizing aromas enticed her into the oversized kitchen where she excitedly introduced herself and asked if there was anything she could help with.  The cook, kitchen and scullery maids, and two footmen all stopped what they were doing and stared at her with perplexing looks upon their faces.  The two men, equal in height out of necessity for their prestigious positions in the household, nudged one another and whispered something to each other. 
Blushing, suddenly self-conscious, Carly expressed, “I hope that I have not offended anyone by entering this domain?”  Further explaining, she declared, “It was one of my favorite pastimes growing up to help Cook with whatever task I was capable of doing, and, of course, to enjoy her companionship, as well as the good smells and tasty tidbits that would certainly be divvied out.”  Hesitancy over her assumption fought to unnerve her. 
One overeager footman put her fears to rest.  All smiles, he stepped forward, offering Carly a seat at the table with the enthusiasm of a new puppy wishing for his ears to be scratched.  The other one glared at his rival’s brilliant opportunity to catch the lovely new governess’s attention.  Taking the proffered seat with relief, Carly smiled to herself, thinking it comical to be the subject of their obvious competition. 
Lord Huntington’s cook happily introduced herself after overcoming her own shock at seeing the young governess below stairs.  Instantly liking the girl for not minding her station, she said, “I am Mrs. Cooper, or May, as you are to call me from now on.”  She expressed her sincere welcome by saying, “Anytime you wish to visit, you must stop in!”  May happily thanked Carly for her compliments of last evening’s meal that Lord Huntington had evidently shared with her already.  May cheerfully showed Carly the preparations she was making for this evening’s meal. 
“I always prepare my stew the day before, allowing for all the flavors to really soak in.”  Lamb stew had been one of Carly’s father’s favorite meals, simple as it was, and Cook was even serving cornbread with freshly churned butter, just as they always had served at home.  Savoring her thoughts, she told May that she looked forward to sampling her recipe tonight, and would gladly give her requested report on the morrow of her experienced opinion in the matters of lamb stew. 
She left the kitchen by way of the outside garden door.  Following the rock walkway through herbs and flowers, she walked contentedly, counting the many varieties of plants she saw already growing this spring.  What beautifully tended gardens, and so vast and all-encompassing in variety.  Of course, most everything was not yet planted, but it was all mapped out so neatly.  “Let’s see…There’s rhubarb…I recognize that.  Asparagus, onions.  And, oh, peas!  I love peas!” Endless mixtures of herbs shimmered in a slight breeze.  Ummm…this all looks wonderful, she thought. 
Adventures for the children began in her mind.  She thought she must ask Cook if she could bring the children to see the different varieties of gardens. Maybe they could even help plant, weed, and pick some items and prepare them to eat… eventually.  Carly was sure they would be eager for this newly formed venture. 

Thank you for reading with me today!  Join me on Monday for the next blog. 

Ellise  :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011 - BiWeekly Blog

Excerpt from The Governess -- Chapter 6 continued:

Carly noticed and loved all the windows that allowed so much natural light into each room of the manor.  How cheerful the light made her feel.  The house was so vast that she actually got lost a couple of times, but the servants were always there to help her find her way. 
Bumping into Heather a second time, the governess was glad for directions.  “Now milady, do not you worry none, you’ll ‘ave this ‘ole place memorized before you know it.”  Pointing her in the right direction, the maid set Carly off on her adventures again. 
The fragrance of exotic flowers enveloped her senses as soon as she opened the door to another newly favored room—the Arboretum.  Almost bringing her to tears upon entering, she smiled gloriously at the vision of beauty before her.  Nurturing a love of flowers, trees, and green things had started when she was just small visiting different parishioners with her parents.  Avidly walking everywhere in their parish, her parents had planted the seeds of appreciation for God’s creations in her very soul.  It seemed they had always had a beautiful floral arrangement or two…or three…by the time they appeared at anyone’s doorway to greet them along with their welcomed smiles. 
Naturally then, and with great relish, she especially loved floral arranging and spending time outdoors gathering samples for her arrangements.  Her mother’s schooling and talents, as well as Mrs. Schneider’s, were put to good use teaching the two appreciative young sisters.  Who, indeed, would not be impressed with the attractive foliage and plants she saw in this expansive, flourishing environment?  “Susannah will be jealous! I must write her today.”  
Not only was the selection of plants and trees excessively pleasing to all senses, but the design of the arboretum itself was a masterpiece.  Spacious panes of glass were held together with intricate works of iron, extensive millwork, and delicate beams of a strange wood not known to her.  The high ceilings seemed to almost touch the sky which brilliantly shined through the panes.  Particularly delighted at what she saw, she laughed excitedly, and walked in all directions, appreciating the beauty at her fingertips.  Smelling the rich soil made her want to drop to her knees then and there and begin digging in the dirt in order to plant something…anything! 
Walking over to the many French doors, she looked out upon the sprawling green lawns with flowers, bushes, and trees, all complimenting what she saw in the arboretum.  She asked herself if heaven could be as beautiful as the grounds were here at Huntington Manor.  Enjoyment of both the outdoors and the indoors would be a welcomed bliss for Carly. 
Continuing her inspection through the window, Carly wondered if, by chance, she would be privileged to ride a horse over these lovely grounds whenever she wished.  Riding here would be contentment and a balm to her soul that would help heal her lost heart, bringing her back home to her adored Nature.  Thrilling at the thought, she made a mental note to ask Lord Huntington’s permission. 
“My…I have a lot to discuss with him.  If only I could just avoid him.” She smiled at her naughtiness.  
Having loved horses from a young age, she had thrived upon the freedom the majestic creatures gave her to travel far and wide, as well as the simple pleasure of the great animal’s personality and companionship.  Indeed, she would be blessed if she were to benefit from this independence again, for during her formative years, if she had not been walking, she had been riding.  Her father had inherited his father’s prized stallion, and they had also grown up with a quiet, good-natured mare that pulled their dog cart with delight.  The availability of two horses had been a godsend and thus incorporated into their lessons from a young age.
Through her search and examination of the house, Carly met and talked with much of the staff finding them pleasant and kind.  Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, she discovered, were husband and wife, and both seemed satisfied with her, to her relief.  Mr. Thompson said, “Glad to see you making yourself at home, my lady.”  Mrs. Thompson added, “Let us know if we can be of service to you in any way, my lady.” 
“You are very kind.  Thank you.”  She observed Mr. Thompson’s boyish grin as he took another peek over his shoulder at her as they walked on to other duties, Mrs. Thompson shoving her elbow into his side.  Quickly, he turned around to follow his wife obediently.  Carly snickered at the hilarity of this seasoned butler’s humorous antics. 
Twice only had she received unpleasant looks from anyone.  Carly had had to look twice to establish the certainty of this discovery, but to no avail.  The two chambermaids had quickly recovered their error. 
“Can we ‘elp you, milady?” 
“Where am I, please?” 
“Right above the kitchens, milady.  If you follow this stairway ‘ere, you will find yourself on the same level as the kitchens.” 
“Thank you.”  Holes burned into her back as she descended the stairs after speaking with these two chambermaids, assurance that they were still watching her shivering up and down her arms.  Why these two maids should feel any negative feelings towards her, Carly was uncertain.  It was very disturbing, nonetheless. 

Join me on Friday for my next tidbit!  :)

Thank you!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday, May 13th Blog -- The Governess

Excerpt from The Governess--Chapter 6 continued:

Carly was glum that she could not be with the children today. They were darling!  But rules were rules, and she must obey!  Or so Lord Huntington had said.  
Carly decided that she would go exploring wherever her feet would take her.  Prepared for indoors or outdoors with the straw hat and shawl she brought with her, she started off.   It had turned into an extraordinarily warm, early spring, so she knew it was likely she would end up out amongst the fresh air and singing birds.  However, she would begin inside. 
As she started down the stairs, she noticed servants quietly going about their work.  Randomly, she stepped into a room.  What a beautiful music room it turned out to be!  Its pale blue and white walls with gilded trim brightened her smile as she enjoyed the spring-like feeling of this rooms’ personality.  Having hoped that she would be so lucky as to be blessed with a place to continue her own musical talents, she immediately said a prayer of gratitude in her heart, for she loved to sing, play the pianoforte and harp, as well.  Expressing herself in these ways always had brought joy to her and to her family.  Here, before her, stood an immense pianoforte and a magnificent harp along with sheets upon sheets of music and music stands. 
“I shall make good use of this room at least.”  She was so excited!  A whole orchestra could fit here!  What a treat that would be to hear and to dance to.  Surely there must be a ballroom in this grand house?  Excitedly, she allowed her imaginative thoughts to blossom and grow, insisting that there would be such a fine room.  Finding this phantom room became a treasured wish and priority.  She would have great adventures here, she was sure! 
Carly shuffled through sheets of music.  She reminisced of the times she had practiced on the rectory’s harp that had been donated by a local squire with lessons being taught by his talented, yet condescending wife.  Tolerance had been exacted from Carly’s deposits of self-control only for the love of the instrument.  She and Susannah had often laughed over their impersonations of their teacher, much to the chagrin of their father.  Many impassioned speeches ensued on loving thy neighbor, which always quieted their giggles, if not for a little while.  Carly filled this moment with another burst of giggles. 
Sitting down at the pianoforte, she played from memory the first song that popped into her mind; a hauntingly beautiful melody that brought the sting of unshed tears to her eyes.  Often she had played it until their dearly loved pianoforte had been sold.  The cherished piece had been the only furniture gifted to their family by her paternal grandparents after their deaths, since all else had been sold.  Parting with it had been a great loss to her and her sister.  Carly sniffed back the ready tears. Many fine hours had been spent together playing and singing, as well as laughing with Mrs. Schneider and their parents.  The poignant tune she now played for her mother with such expression that Carly knew within her heart her mother would be proud if she were present.  
Out of nowhere, Carly heard a timid voice say, “Milady, you should not be in ‘ere.  I do apologize for the interruption.”  A shy parlourmaid bobbed a quick curtsey.  “Just don’t want you to get into trouble for being in the mistress’s room and all.” 
So this was Lady Huntington’s music room.  She felt a little deflated by the thought for some reason.  But why should she care except that she would love to occupy this room herself.  Oh well, she sighed heavily. 
“This room is off limits then?” 
“Yes, milady.  Again, I apologize.” 
Smiling at the distressed parlourmaid, she said, “No need to apologize.  And what is your name, pray tell?” 
“Heather, milady,” she nervously curtsied once more. 
Nodding her head in response, Carly said, “I am glad to meet you, Heather.  My name is Carly.”  Carly smiled an encouragingly sweet smile at the timorous servant girl.  Parlourmaids, she knew, were often chosen for their beauty and grace, especially for purposes of impressing guests.  This young girl was no exception.  Tall and lithe, her dark hair pulled into a tight twist, she wore her starched cap and apron over her black dress appealingly.  Carly couldn’t help smiling again at her new acquaintance.  She hoped they could be friends. 
She could not help a wicked thought. Was the master the sort of man that dallied with his servants?  She stopped the question from growing into more as soon as it started.  Shame on me! 
“It’s a pleasure mum.”  As if to explain her own presence in this off-limit room, Heather said, “I was just dusting, milady.  The master’s mother ‘as always wished for this room to remain well taken care of.  I am sorry that it is off limits,” she looked completely apologetic. 
We will just see about that, thought Carly.  Another talk with Lord Huntington.  But for now, “I’ll be leaving then.” 
Hesitatingly, Heather seemed not to be able to stop herself from saying to Carly, “I ‘ave enjoyed your lovely music, milady.  It certainly would be nice to ‘ave music in the ‘ouse again.”  She curtsied and quickly began dusting, leaving Carly to contemplate her words. 
This unpleasantness was soon forgotten as she went through room after room impressed with the splendor of this house.  She decided the light colors were very uplifting, much better than many of the oppressively dark houses she had been in at home in the surrounding neighborhoods of Harlestone.  Still, growing up with the same dark wood of the vicarage had never seemed depressing to her since her mother had decorated in such a lovely way and seemed to take advantage of the qualities of both light and dark colors. 
“Oh, dear mother,” she sighed.  “How you would love Huntington Manor.” 

Thanks for reading with me today.  Join me on Monday for more!  Appreciate you! :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011 - BiWeekly Blog - Chapter 6

Excerpt from The Governess -- Chapter 6:

            Carly overslept the next morning simply because she could not sleep the night before from thinking about Lord Huntington.  No book had helped her sleep, after all.  What tumultuous feelings he brought out in her, even in such a short amount of time.  One minute she was angry at him for being arrogant and frightening, and in the next she found herself thinking of his magnificent shoulders. 
Goodness!  What a silly girl she was! 
And then, she would think of the horrible mystery surrounding him.  This brought a shiver to her.  Had she been in any danger last night?  How would she know until it was too late?  Dear me, she thought.  I would rather think of his wonderful shoulders! 
When she began her morning toilette, she thought of the children in the next room.  As she said her prayers and read from her father’s beloved Bible, she wondered what the children were like.  Why did she get this feeling that other governesses had had problems with them and had not stayed? 
Or was it trouble with the master? 
This she could certainly believe! 
She knew that the children’s mother had died unexpectedly, and from her own experience with grief and loss, truly believed that this could have everything to do with any trouble that there might be.  Helping them find happiness became her goal, and she prayed hourly that she would find her own as well. 
Carly’s thoughts were interrupted by giggling through the nursery door.  The accompanying noises sounded very much like children jumping upon beds.  Smiling and laughing a little to herself, she remembered herself and Susannah doing the same thing and getting scolded for it. 
Not being able to resist the urge, she peeked through the nursery door and saw two little children approximately six and seven, indeed, jumping on their beds.  They squealed with laughter and kept hushing each other.  It was quite comical! 
Apparently they shared an exceptionally large room decorated in blue and white.  A sweet, clean smell of freshly washed bodies floated to Carly’s senses, and she looked to see that their hair was, indeed, still damp.  She smiled.  She must have made a noise, for, suddenly, the little boy stopped and stared and the little girl followed his example.  All three stood staring at each other for several seconds before Carly decided to make her introduction since they had clearly seen her.  It seemed silly not to. 
Leaving her door open wide, she entered their room coming to stand next to their beds as they promptly sat down upon them. 
“What wild little Indians live in this room?”  They stared at her; the little girl looked as though she wanted to smile; only the little boy nodded his head not to. 
Clearing her throat, Carly began again, “My name is Miss Carly Blakemore.  May I have the pleasure of knowing your names?” 
The little boy slid off his bed. He obviously had an agenda.  Carly watched as he went through a wide double doorway that looked very much like a schoolroom to her.  He went over to the dark wooden table to draw.  His sister quickly followed suit.  Carly glanced at the now messy beds.  Hmmm, she thought. 
She walked to where they sat at the table drawing.  Memories from childhood sprung to mind as she inhaled the smell of chalk they were using to draw upon slates, noticing the irritating sound the chalk made when one of them pressed too hard.  The little girl had wiped her slate clean with a cloth.  She shook it out to refold it neatly, and Carly sneezed from the cloud of chalk dust that drifted up to her nose. 
Looking at Carly apologetically, the little girl still did not say anything.  Carly insisted upon their attention by asking, “Are we playing a guessing game then?”  Smiling, the little girl continued to look up, her shining eyes sparkling as if she wanted to play, but the boy kept his head down.  Giving her attention to the little girl, she said, “Well, you must be an Indian princess because you are so beautiful.  Look at all that lovely long, blonde hair you have.  And what beautiful ringlets!  Let me see,” tapping her finger to her mouth while she pretended to think, she then asked, “is your name Princess Kangaroo?” 
The little girl covered her mouth and started giggling, then nodded her head in agreement, naturally curly hair bobbing all about her face.  Her blue eyes sparkled all the more from the darling azure gown she wore. 
The brother was watching his sister with a perplexed look upon his face, as if he wanted to have fun, too, but did not want the new governess to know that bit of information.  Carly was sure he was trying to be hard.  It did not seem natural for him. 
“And you must be Chief Jumping Horse.”  Raising her arm up, palm faced forward and speaking with a pretended deep voice, she exclaimed, “How!”  His green eyes went wide with excitement.  Raising his arm slowly in cooperation, he did not say anything. 
Just then, an older woman entered the room carrying a large silver tray with what appeared to be their breakfast.  As she entered, she was saying, “Well, Masta’ Jonathon an’ Miss Elspef’, what ‘ave ye been up too since I left ye to make your beds?”  She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the stranger. 
Enticing smells of bacon and sausage assailed Carly’s nostrils as her stomach growled at the inviting aromas swirling above the tray. 
“An’ ‘oo might yoo be?” 
            “I am the new governess, Miss Carly Blakemore.” 
            “So nice to meet yoo, Miss Blakemore,” she curtsied.  “Lord Huntington told me it would be a Lady Blakemore.”  With a questioning look, she said, “He also told me to ‘spect yoo uh, tomorrow, ‘e did.”  She got a concerned look on her face.  “Ye are a little early.  The masta’ is particular ‘bout that sort o’ thing.  He will be none too ‘appy that yoo ‘ave shown up ‘ere today.”
            “Is father here today, Nanny?” 
            “Yes, Miss Elspef’.” 
            “I miss him, Nanny.  Is he happy today?” 
            “Now, ‘ush ‘bout such things missie.  He’s a good man your father.  He ‘as a lot on ‘is shoulders is all…especially since…”  Seeming to give in to her little mistress’s demands, she sighed, and relented, “I’ll see if Lord Huntington can see ye today, missie.” 
“Father, will not see us.  He never does.”  The dark head bowed again in concentration. 
These first words uttered from the little boy’s mouth absolutely tore at Carly’s heart.  How could Lord Huntington not see his own children?  Was this, too, a result of his wife’s death?  Questions began building in her mind that needed answers.  These poor children were lonely for their father, she was sure of it.  Sensing the heartbreak in both their little faces, she felt at that moment to soothe them or at least help them forget their hurt even momentarily. 
“Shall we play a game together?” Her smile was encouraging.  “What do you like to play?”  All three looked at her as if she had said something horribly inappropriate.  “Can you not tell me a favorite game, Elspeth, is it?  Surely the cat has not snatched your tongue?” 
Carrying the tray over to the table to deposit it, Nanny spoke up.  “I ‘ave been instructed to watch o’er the children ‘til ye are to start your duties, milady, an’ then whenever ye are not with them, as well.” 
More rules.  “Very well,” Carly sighed, “but I do so look forward to spending time with you both, getting to know you.”  Smiling, she squatted down before them, her green skirts with pale flowers rustling and billowing out beautifully.  “We shall have a grand time, do you not think so?”  Her encouraging smile worked its magic on Elspeth, at least.  In fact, she was sure her little fingers itched to touch her gown. However, the boy did not even look at her.  Taking in their lovely, innocent features, she felt sure that the boy was the one who felt most neglected by their father. It seemed to her that Elspeth, at least, had Jonathon.
Well, she would have a talk with Lord Huntington. 

Thanks for reading!  Please comment too so I know what readers think I need to improve or what you already like.  Join me on Friday for my next post. 

Ellise :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Victorian Clean Romance with Sizzle: New Friday Blog -- May 6, 2011 -- Chapter 5 Contin...

Victorian Clean Romance with Sizzle: New Friday Blog -- May 6, 2011 -- Chapter 5 Contin...: "Excerpt from The Governess -- Chapter 5 continued and finished -- (In order to get the full effect of today's blurb, please read the prev..."

New Friday Blog -- May 6, 2011 -- Chapter 5 Continued...

Excerpt from The Governess --  Chapter 5 continued and finished --
(In order to get the full effect of today's blurb, please read the previous post first.  Much better to read them together!)

Taking a small book from somewhere above her on a shelf, he handed it to her.  After a moment, she opened her eyes to see his innocently proffered gift and opened them wider in wonder and embarrassment.  She let go her held breath in a quick sigh.  Her hand shook as she accepted his gift. 
“You might enjoy this book.  It is my favorite poetry.”  Then Lord Huntington gently lifted her chin with his hand.  Quietly, and with restraint, he whispered, “Sleep well…little angel.”  Almost painfully, it seemed, he turned and walked out of the room. 
Carly was alone. 

For a long moment, Carly leaned against the bookshelf trying to recapture her breath, her hand to her throat.  She could not read now even if she wanted to! 
Had he only been getting her a book all that time?  What a way of going about it!  Did he not see that he had frightened her?  Remaining motionless, she stood very confused; for she had thought…she was sure…well, almost sure…that he had determined to kiss her. 
What if he had actually done so? 
How would she have coped with a kiss when only receiving this book had thrown her into such a dither?  I’m hopeless, she thought. 
“Oh!  I am sure I shall never recover myself!” she whispered to the darkness.  Pressing the book to her breast, she stated, “Nevertheless, I shall take this book…and perhaps several more.” Deciding this was actually a very good idea, she tested her footing by letting go of the shelving.  There, she was yet standing!  After concluding that it would take much reading to stop the rapid beating of her heart, she randomly grabbed an armful of books and her candlestick, quickly making her way back to her room. 
What she did not know was that Lord Huntington still silently watched her from the darkened doorway of the Study.  Having sensed in her a naïveté and innocence to the ways of men, Creighton found that this pleased him. 
Clearly, she had not understood the struggle he had experienced facing her just now dressed only in her night things, but he knew that he had frightened her.  Truly, he had not meant to alarm her, it was simply that, beyond doubt, this intriguing girl was a beauty, in mind and body, over any other female of his acquaintance.     

We're finished with Chapter 5.  Next Monday we'll start with Chapter 6 where Carly meets the children.  Hope you are enjoying!  Leave me some comments so I can see through the eyes of a new reader.  Thanks for reading with me!

Have a great day!
Ellise :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

New Blog Post for Monday, May 2nd Blog -- Chapter 5 Continued

Excerpt from The Governess, Chapter 5 (continued):

Suddenly, she stood and said, “Please excuse me.  I apologize again for intruding.  I…I shall pick out my book and get along to bed so you can have your library back to yourself. And if you don’t mind, I…I shall keep this…this blanket until morning?”  When he nodded his head in assent, she walked over to the nearest bookshelf.  She could still feel his gaze upon her, watching her every move.  Why didn’t she just leave, she asked herself.  And yet if she did without her desired book, she surely would never sleep now!
            Creighton was mesmerized by this unpretentious young lady as she picked her way through the shelves; the way her hair, in all its amazing length, moved and bounced when she took a step; the way the blanket shifted around her lovely curves as she swayed.  Even from here, he could still distinguish her subtle fragrance which smelled of roses.  What would it be like to hold her, he wondered?  He shook his head from the thought.  He refused to consider it! 
            Carly looked over her shoulder to see his hands raking through his dark hair.  Oh!  He must be so perturbed with her!  She immediately said, “I beg your pardon, my lord.  I can tell I have disturbed your solitude tonight.  I will just go.”  But she stood dumbly, transfixed by his stare. 
How frightening he could be. 
Carly was completely inexperienced with men and did not have a clue as to what this man was thinking or wishing of her.  Where was her courage now that she needed it most?  She was stupidly petrified of him and this silly situation.  He was looking at her so strangely which completely unnerved her.  The logs shifted in the fireplace, jolting her nerves.  The receding light the fire was now giving was of little comfort. 
Slowly, Lord Huntington stood and walked towards her in the darkening room, forcing her to back away from him until she was against the library shelving. 
What did he want with her? 
She refused to ask! 
Lord Huntington was inches from her.  She questioned him with her eyes while her breathing became labored.  What was he going to do?   Was he angry with her again?  Might he really be a monster like the gossips made him out to be?  The blanket fell to the floor, pooling at her feet.  But she was helpless to do anything about it. 
His eyes longingly took her in.  So beautiful…she looked so soft and vulnerable. His rigid reserve wavered. As his hand came up and gently touched her face, she gasped out loud.  Gently, softly his fingers rubbed her velvet-soft cheek. 
Closing her eyes at the intimate contact, she could not breathe.  Breathe, she told herself. 
Tracing along her delicate jaw, he made her tremble from the touch of his warm fingers.  Leaning in, he inhaled her fragrant skin and whispered only one word, “…enchanting.”  She started.  They looked into each other’s eyes, the firelight flickering upon their faces. 
He leaned closer. 
Unwillingly, she pressed her hands against his chest and just as quickly took them away, only to replace them again from fear of his proximity.  Feeling his solid muscles, she grew more frightened of him still. 
His breath was warm, making her quiver as he whispered in her ear, “You look like an angel.  Where are your tiny wings?  Your halo?” 
She looked into his eyes, confusion clearly showing in her own. Such kind words from him filled her with frightening emotions.  The kind of words that were a balm to her lonely heart.  Slowly inhaling, she felt lightheaded and heady.  She closed her eyes to his intense gaze.  When she opened them, the softness of his look astonished her.  He was so near. 
Leaning forward almost against her, he reached his long arm above her head.  Closing her eyes again, she thought he would kiss her.  She unintentionally breathed in his masculine scent, catching her breath as she readied herself. 
Her pulse raced.  How could she endure this?  But how could she escape? 
Just run! 

Please join me for another excerpt on Friday, May 6! 

Ellise :)