
It's Here!

Book Two in The Huntington Saga Series Novels~

Pirate Bride!

Miss Susannah Blakemore is kidnapped and sold into white slavery as payback to the Huntingtons. Will her pirate hero save her?

“The Huntingtons will pay. Oh, they will pay.” Plots and unholy alliances are put into action carrying out long-awaited retribution.

Only … one was not thought of. One was not even considered. How would anyone have guessed that a descendant of a pirate would take up his old family tradition in a mad quest to regain his bitterly lost love? The Marquess of Latham will not abide by this act of violence arranged for his precious love, but will surely save her -- will he not? And will he make her the next pirate bride?

Next? There must be a first to have a 'next'. But there was another ... centuries ago ... that still walks the halls of Stonecrest Castle.

Friday, May 30, 2014

FREE Saturday Again!

Now that I have shared each volume of The Governess for free over the last three months, I am ready to share the final chapters that are only available in this novella, The Governess Novella #1, as well as in the trilogy.  

If you have not yet read any of The Governess, just save this final volume until last.  But get it now while its FREE!

Click here to find your link for Saturday, May 31, 2014, or find the dates that it will be available in June here.  

And watch for Pirate Bride hopefully coming June 20th of 2014 as well.  If you haven't already signed up for the New Book Release mailing list, or Pre-Launch Specials, do so today here!

Happy Reading!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Don't Forget!

Memorial Day Weekend, and the reason why we celebrate our dead, their great sacrifice in our behalf so that we might live freely. 

In recognition of this occasion, and because many of you will have that time off, The Governess-Volume Three is FREE on Sunday and Monday! Click here  to find your link.

This will be the last time this month it'll be offered for free. Have a good holiday! And remember those who have gone before us.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

A year ago...

I completely forgot that yesterday was the one year anniversary of the release of The Governess! Hooray! And what a year it's been!

And now that I've said that, off I go to work on completing more of Pirate Bride

I'm really hopeful that this next school year, my son will be back in regular school. I'll miss that personal time with him tremendously, for its been an eye-opening experience and has brought us closer together than ever. However, I'm ready for a break! And I will use my time to write, write, write!

I've tentatively scheduled Book Three in The Huntington Saga Series Novels to be released by this fall of 2014! I think with a summer to write, I can do it. If not, you'll be the first to know. Book Four is tentatively scheduled for release spring of 2015. 

And now...for those of you who've been following this series, I've decided to create a Book Five. I had a moment recently that I just felt that Jonathon's story needed to be told as well. So little Jonathon, all grown up, will be the new conclusion to this series. :) I hope you like that.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Love is in the Air...

I just wanted to introduce to you my darling niece, Melissa. And what a sweetheart she is! I just might tell you something secret about her...she's still single and very much available...but only to someone who is as sweet and kind as she is.

This little gal just called me up to tell me that she and her friend both bought my trilogy in paperback and wondered what else they could do to help me get the word out about my work. Isn't that so sweet? This is who Melissa is and always has been. She's selfless, and helpful, and always thinking about someone else (besides the fact that she's gorgeous and simply adorable!). She would be a darling wife and exceptional mother. And I can't wait to see it!

So...if you know of any dang good looking fellows out there who are thirty-something and have such kind personalities as my darling niece, let's hook 'em up! 

Cheers for a good love story!

Love you, Melissa!
Aunt Ellise~

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I'm sad...

Work as if everything depended upon you.  
Pray as if everything depended upon the Lord.  

I just wanted to start off with that amazing message.  Now...
If this only affected me, then I’d shut up about it.  Who needs to know except for my Heavenly Father, right?  But it has affected my children for far too long.  So I’m going to swallow my pride and spill the beans.  What am I talking about?  Finances…plain and simple.  My favorite subject…not.  It’s become a dirty word. 

I know so many of you who are in the same boat.  It’s tough.  You stick it out, you put your shoulder to the wheel, and you work hard.  Every single day.  That’s what we’ve been doing for…well, always.  I don’t mind working.  I love being able to work hard.  But…

I’m tired.  I know my sweetheart is tired, too.  Life has a way of making you tired.  I get that.  I enjoy that.  A good day’s work is very satisfying.  There's nothing like it.  And we’ve been so blessed.  Those blessings, along with the amazing people in our lives is what keeps us going.  That, and our faith in a loving Father in heaven who carries us most days.  I feel that.  I’m grateful for those much needed tender mercies.  Otherwise, I think I would have cracked by now.  And boy, I’ve come close…

In spite of all the amazing blessings, we might lose our house now.  What does that mean?  It means moving to a new house, possibly a new community.  It means changes in everything.  It means packing up a full house that fits us perfectly and ridding ourselves of half our stuff (which might not be a bad thing…) so that we can downsize.  Our home is our largest asset, but it’s also our largest bill (unless you add up the medical expenses together into one chunk), so why not rid ourselves of the burden and get a smaller one?  I’ve asked myself this question a thousand times.  We’ve exhausted conversations over and over again about the pros and cons.  Mostly though, I’m just thinking of my kids’ sad faces when they talk about missing their friends, missing graduating from this high school, having to start all over and trying to fit in.  They’ve had one too many disappointments in their young lives, and I’d just like to keep something solid and secure surrounding them—a refuge from the storm.  I realize that home is anywhere you lay your head, but…it’s just hard.  My kids are so good at hiding their disappointments that they almost don’t exist.  Almost…

For example, just two weeks ago, our cellist daughter was supposed to go to State and perform her cello piece.  She had won second place in our entire district!  So cool!  Yay, Calli!  But because we couldn’t afford to pay the $56 dollar entrance fee, and because we couldn’t afford to drive her to Boise and back, she didn’t go.  She didn’t get to perform the piece she had learned or her place that she had earned at State.  *sigh*  So disappointing.  But, it’s life.  We tell our kids that all the time.  And it’s true.  I really believe that.  Sometimes these disappointments grow us into amazing people.  She did try to do everything possible that she could do to make it happen anyway, even after we told her no.  And even after we had exhausted every means in which we had to help, it still just couldn’t happen.  I’m so sorry, Calli, for again disappointing you. 

But what’s the big deal?  Life is hard.  Suck it up.  Honestly, we couldn’t even afford her cello, and so that is when her friends began pooling money together to buy her one all by themselves.  It nearly broke our hearts that her friends would have to be the ones to try and provide this heartfelt desire for our own child.  But what amazing, good girls!  And that story turned out to be quite literally a miracle of this age.  Ask anyone who knows about it.  She was actually interviewed by Idaho Falls Magazine about her experience with The Piano Guys.  You can see her cello story here (pages 42-45). 

We’ve had these amazing miracles in our lives, so why do I keep wanting more?  Why am I such a whiner?  Such a baby?  Why do I keep begging on these social platforms for help?  It’s embarrassing.  I do it because we’re doing all we can physically/mentally/spiritually do ourselves to provide.  And these platforms are extensive in their reach…or have the potential to.  Our children have had a very different life than even me or my husband had growing up.  It makes me very sad.  Honestly, our kids (to their credit) think they have an amazing life.  I’m so, so grateful for this belief.  But because I want to know that I can feed my kids tonight, I want more.  Because I want to dress them in more than hand-me-downs (I’m grateful for them, so don’t get me wrong!), I want more.  I would like to make sure that they have shoes on their feet when they need a new pair, so I still want more.  Is that wrong of me to want those things?  I know that we’re spoiled in this amazing country, and in this plentiful day and age even, but trials are still trials.  My health continues to be an issue.  The medical offices are calling.  The collection agencies are too.  I’m concerned more than ever about my husband’s health since his open heart surgery.  I’m concerned about being here to finish the job of raising our children and leaving them a legacy that is worth something.  He is literally working his heart out for us, and I’m worried about that.  I love him, and so do our children.  We’re not ready to let him go. 

So I keep writing, hoping that someday it’ll somehow make a difference.  I know it does, but not nearly enough.  Not nearly enough!  I need your help, people.  Many of you have come to know me through my writing, a desperate adventure that I never intended taking upon my shoulders, but this desperation became the creator of my own job—a writing career.  It’s embarrassing, for whatever reason, to put myself out there in this personal way.  It’s not natural to me.  I don’t mind the creation process; it’s the sharing that’s uncomfortable to me.  I’m putting myself out there to be ridiculed.  That’s hard for someone like me.  I’m naturally shy.  But my children will always be worth it to sacrifice my pride.  So, I’ll continue to write and be nervous about sharing it. 

Won’t you please (here comes the begging part that I hate so, so, so much…it never seems to end, and I hate that!), please see the way to help me and my little family to stay in our home?  Help us by spreading the word about my books here, and ask your family and friends to seriously support us by sharing this link here to spread the word.  It starts with who we know, but it’s really about who you know.  Imagine how big the circle can get.  Does it really matter that I’m embarrassed, I ask myself?  No.  What matters most is my children.  My pride will never be the same, so what the heck!  I’m begging.  They deserve the best security in life that my husband and I can provide, and so that compels me to ask yet again.  I’ve done the work; so help me let it pay off.  Please, spread the word to everyone you know to share our predicament and help buy my books.  They aren’t that expensive.  But it could really, really make all the difference.  It could help turn our world around. 

Thanks for your ear.

A very embarrassed, humbled Ellise (Ugh.  I’m so sorry!)

Friday, May 9, 2014

Mother's Day Special!

In honor of Mothers everywhere on Mother's Day, THE GOVERNESS: Book One--Volume Three will be offered for FREE this Saturday and Sunday for the first time ever! 

Click here for the link today!

Volume Three will be available for FREE for a limited time only.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Calling all Beta-Readers!

Yes!  It's near that time!  I'm so excited to share Pirate Bride soon!  

But before I can, I need some Beta-Readers out there to sign up!  You will be the first readers to read Pirate Bride.  I need feedback on (let me think...) -- everything!  
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, but more importantly:  does the story work?  Where did you get lost?  Was it confusing?  Did you like it or not?  
COVER by Gretchen Steen
Please sign up in the 'Comments' section to let me know if you are interested.  Or you can email me.  Click on the link at the top of the page for my email address.  I will let those I choose know when I am ready for your help.  Thanks!