
It's Here!

Book Two in The Huntington Saga Series Novels~

Pirate Bride!

Miss Susannah Blakemore is kidnapped and sold into white slavery as payback to the Huntingtons. Will her pirate hero save her?

“The Huntingtons will pay. Oh, they will pay.” Plots and unholy alliances are put into action carrying out long-awaited retribution.

Only … one was not thought of. One was not even considered. How would anyone have guessed that a descendant of a pirate would take up his old family tradition in a mad quest to regain his bitterly lost love? The Marquess of Latham will not abide by this act of violence arranged for his precious love, but will surely save her -- will he not? And will he make her the next pirate bride?

Next? There must be a first to have a 'next'. But there was another ... centuries ago ... that still walks the halls of Stonecrest Castle.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

New Books Coming!

Five 2016 Projects, so far...

We’re hot into the second quarter of this 2016 year, and a lot has been going on.  I’m sure for you, too.  Navigating the list can be daunting, right?  But I’m giving it the best shot I can give.  How about you?  I hope you’re having a great year! 
Here’s just a little of what I’ve been working on:

New books coming soon: 

1      ***SPOILER ALERT***  In my book, The Governess Trilogy, there is a book of poetry gifted to Miss Carly Blakemore to read.  She hated it.  It was gloomy and morose.  After reading several poems from that book, she worried for her master, Lord Huntington, who was the person who loaned it to her.  She worried about him, especially the condition of his wounded heart.  Further in The Governess story, Carly reads some very romantic poetry penned by her master, surprising her, but she doesn’t know who he has written it regarding.  It further surprises her how deeply he feels.  The idea that his heart is healing makes her profoundly happy, yet she feels a spark of jealousy as she discovers that the thought of any other woman inciting such devotion from him upsets her.  She shocks herself when she realizes that she would love to be the woman he is speaking about.    

It is this very poetry, both heartbreaking and heart-healing that I am contemplating writing as a supplemental book to accompany the original story.  Now my readers will not only have Carly and Creighton’s story, but the book of poetry that gives insight into The Governess.  I have yet to begin this project, for I wanted to see if there would be any interest in this book. 

Please click here and add your name to the list of readers who would enjoy this book of poetry that Creighton and Carly both read.

Another new project I’ve been consumed with writing this past month – A Guide to Writing Your Book with Zero Budget Tools:  How to Plan, Write, Publish & Market Your Book with Zero Budget Tools.  This is the project in which I am currently spending most of my time.  It is a systematic instruction guide of how I wrote, published, and marketed my books for virtually free, as well as successfully sold my books online, and how anyone can replicate that process.  I think I’ve learned some valuable lessons that are worth sharing, all on a zero budget.
  o   If you’d like to add your name to the sign-ups for:
§  The FREE Guide
§  The Book
§  The Course
§  Then please visit my website here

3   Some of you will remember an email from me, a month or two ago, telling you about a new category that I’m writing a short story about – My historical romance with zombies. Yes, I know.  Silly me.  It’s called Zombie Apocalypse at Loughurst Castle: Book 1.  The title may change, and so might the cover, but for now, I’m good.  Here’s the link if you’d like to sign up for the mailing list to be notified when this book is released. 
Some of you will remember an email from me, a month or two ago, telling you about a new category that I’m writing a short story about –
And for those of you who signed up already in my previous email, you can still sign up for this new list, but you don’t have to.  I will be sending a letter out to those who are on both lists and want to purchase the book, and / or first want to be a beta-reader for me.  Thanks! 

4   Elspeth Was Her Name, I will finish that novel, a historical romance, my favorite genre, and publish it just as soon as I can.  I am so excited to share my stories with you.  Thanks for the support!
And even though I’ve taken a break from completing


       And now, for another new project: I’m in the middle of creating a Course to accompany my “How To” book. 
This COURSE will teach “hands-on,” step-by-step application of the methods taught in the book, A Guide to Writing Your Book with Zero Budget Tools: How to Plan, Write, Publish & Market Your Book with Zero Budget Tools.  
If you would be interested in learning more, click here to sign up.

I’ve been reading and researching a TON, which is taking up more of my time than actual writing.  Well, that’s not quite true.  I’ve been writing a great deal, but just not romance.  Well, that’s not even true either because the zombie story has to have a little romance, since that’s what I do.  There always has to be a hero.  But I’ve been concentrating my time writing my How To book and creating websites, and putting together my course, as well as learning how to do a webinar, and tons more cool stuff.  Crazy, I know! 
I’m exhausted, but I hope that what I’m learning will change things up for me.  I enjoy the idea of helping other authors and “want-to-be” authors.  And I’m also looking forward to finishing the romance series for my readers’ entertainment.  All great fun.
Good luck with your goals and your dreams for the rest of 2016!  I hope you sign up for the projects you're interested in following.  Enjoy the journey with me. 