
It's Here!

Book Two in The Huntington Saga Series Novels~

Pirate Bride!

Miss Susannah Blakemore is kidnapped and sold into white slavery as payback to the Huntingtons. Will her pirate hero save her?

“The Huntingtons will pay. Oh, they will pay.” Plots and unholy alliances are put into action carrying out long-awaited retribution.

Only … one was not thought of. One was not even considered. How would anyone have guessed that a descendant of a pirate would take up his old family tradition in a mad quest to regain his bitterly lost love? The Marquess of Latham will not abide by this act of violence arranged for his precious love, but will surely save her -- will he not? And will he make her the next pirate bride?

Next? There must be a first to have a 'next'. But there was another ... centuries ago ... that still walks the halls of Stonecrest Castle.

Friday, April 11, 2014


...is not all its cracked up to be...at least, on some days.  Let me clarify--

Here I sit at 6:48 p.m. with my darling boy, still fighting over math problems.  Secretly, I want to strangle him.  Is that bad?  Okay...it was a bad joke.  Needless to say, we've had a rough day.  Math has been, by far, the worst today.  He has hemmed and hawed and whined and complained so continually that I've wanted to just run screaming into the nearby field.  

Am I crazy yet?!  Absolutely.  Far gone.  

But then, there are the days where he smiles at me and hugs me and tells me he's so lucky to have a mom who will spend this kind of time with him, and he learns so quickly and patiently that I'm wishing today were that day.  *sigh*

But its not.  So, we must press on until we're finished.  I don't think there's anything more worthwhile than raising good children unto the Lord.  But I still hope I'm doing that while secretly desiring to beat him.  How can that be?  I don't know.  I just know that today is hard and that we have both been helped to survive this day.  
Feeling sheepish...

11:32 p.m....
Okay.  Hours have gone by since my pity party above, and I'm fine.  Thank heaven!  We all need a break from time to time.  I know I certainly did.  And my poor grumpy boy...he certainly deserved a break after our tough school day.  So we went to my daughter's Youth Symphony concert tonight, and it was awesome!  So proud of them all!  What a spectacular display of beautiful music!  I truly enjoyed it, and it got us away from the drudgeries of life.  Thank heaven for small miracles!

Here's to blessings! :)


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